HolyCross Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Sathuvachari, Vellore.


Sathuvachari, Vellore - 632 009

Rules & Regulations

Morning Session: 08.40 a.m. to 12.20 p.m.
Lunch Break: 12.20 p.m. to 12.55 p.m.
Evening Session: 01.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m.


School fees will be collected as onetime payment from may last week to June first week. Payment of fees will be accepted in the School office between 09.30 a.m. and 04.00 p.m.

Late payment will not be encouraged and those that keep balance/arrears and refuse to pay will be asked to discontinue from the school.


  1. Full School uniform should be worn daily. On Wednesdays full White P.E.T. uniform is compulsory for all. Flowers should not be used along with the school uniform.
  2. In view of developing egalitarian mentality among the students, the school does not encourage jewellery in any form including wrist watch along with school uniform.
  3. Irregular attendancehabitual idlenessdisobedience, any kind of cheating such as forging parent’s signature or altering marks or immodesty in dress or misbehavior injurious to the moral tone of the school, and causing damage to any school property is sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the school.
  4. All pupils should be present for all the functions of the school. On the Re-opening Day after each Vacation and on the last working day of every term, Absence on these days will be viewed seriously.
  5. Students should avoid taking leave as much as possible. In case of illness Leave letter must be produced along with medical certificate for being absent for more than two days. When the student returns to the class He/She should get the PRINCIPAL’S signature in the leave record printed in school diary, For unavoidable functions prior permission must be obtained from the Principal in writing.
  6. No exemption will not be granted for absence during examinations whatever the reasons be. If absent for any examination, even if it is just a day due to illness, Medical certificate should be produced. However reexamination will not be conducted.
  7. No student is allowed to go out of the school campus once they enter the school.
  8. Every pupil is expected to be courteous and good natured. Misbehaviour and use of foul languages, gross insubordination to school authorities and teachers will be seriously dealt with which may even lead to expulsion of the pupil concerned from the school.
  9. Every student is expected to keep up the tone of the school by excelling in his/her conduct, good manners, cleanliness, self discipline both in and out of the school and try to live up to the motto.

Wherever he/she be.

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